Grade 4 – 6
Through the sections in this side of the website, find resources, videos, activities and much more to learn about the brain. We will add more resources every week! If you and an adult you know have a suggestion for our section, tell us at the Contact Us page.
WHAT IS THE BRAIN AND HOW DOES IT WORK? – Learn about the brain and complete some follow up activities.
MAKE YOUR OWN NEURONS – Click on this resource page by the Edmonton Epilepsy Association, and learn how to make your own neurons. While we ran a special contest in 2023, we still have many neurons to give away to everyone, free of charge. Just connect with the EEA and request yours today. Click on the page to learn more about neurons.
HOW THE BRAIN WORKS – Explore the different areas of the brain through this animation. Complete some fun follow up activities.
REGIONS OF THE BRAIN – In this follow up animation you discover all the parts of the brain that are responsible for each different part of the body and everything you do. Complete some fun follow up activities.
Can you be awake and asleep at the same time? – This is an important question, as people with seizures need sleep or may have frequent seizures during sleep. Watch this interesting animation and learn more about asymmetrical sleep.