Our Sponsors

As a project by the Edmonton Epilepsy Association, this website is funded by sponsors, individual donors and supporters and by access to special project grants from a variety of sources.  The EEA worked over two years to align the project with its Strategic Plan, and we hope this website becomes the URL of choice, for anyone in Alberta, in Canada and anywhere in the world, where children and youth wish to learn more about epilepsy. Thank you to our initial sponsors and donors – this project would not have become a reality without your support and your belief in our cause!

  • ATB FINANCIAL – seed funds to launch our website!
  • EISAI – to start this innovative project as a way to increase our outreach to children and youth, and increase awareness and education about epilepsy!
  • SHAW CHARITY CLASSIC – BIRDIES FOR KIDS – a fundraising campaign that has helped us stretch our funds to do more for this project! We are fundraising with them until August 31, 2022! Donate today!